The Academy’s Foundation for Cultural Cooperation was established under the aegis of the Academy as a not-for-profit association, chartered under the general provisions of Royal Dahir Number 1.58.376 of 3 Jumada I 1378 AH (15 November 1958) regulating associations, as later amended and completed.

The objectives of the Foundation are as follows:

  • To contribute to strengthen, foster and promote scientific research and cultural and intellectual innovation through the resources made available to the Foundation;
  • To award grants to emerging researchers from other countries, particularly from Africa, according to criteria of competence and creativity, as a means to recognize, nurture and foster excellence and contribute to the advancement of humanity;
  • To provide grants to scholarly associations who apply with projects on ground-breaking research in various scientific, intellectual and cultural fields on national, regional and continental scales;
  • To fund research programs and projects in the areas of competence of the Academy, in accordance with the funding criteria set by the Foundation, especially funds earmarked for emerging scientific research activities and structures at national and continental levels; 
  • To establish partnerships and cooperation agreements with the government, the universities, and other tertiary institutions—both public and private—pursuing similar objectives that focus on the development of scientific research in Morocco and in other African countries;
  • To subsidize and distribute publications on breakthroughs in scientific research, and innovative studies on intellectual and cultural issues; 
  • To convene scientific and intellectual symposia and conferences connected with the Academy’s areas of interest; 
  • To build networks of eminent and emerging researchers, keep databases on their scientific and intellectual productions and impact, facilitate meetings between them at the national, and international levels, particularly in Africa.

The offices of the Foundation are housed within the premises of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco at the following address:

Boulevard. Mohammed VI

Km 4, Souissi

PO Box 5062

10100 Rabat, Morocco