In addition to the Permanent Secretary, the Academy is also composed of Resident Members, Associate Members and Honorary Members.
The membership of the Academy is a distinction which inspires respect and reflects the scientific and intellectual standing of the member involved, regardless of the category to which he/she belongs. It is to be preserved in all cases by all appropriate measures.
To this effect, the Academy and its decision-making bodies shall take into account, in each nomination to fill a vacant seat, the standing and reputation of the Academy as a leading national scientific establishment of reference in the scientific, intellectual and cultural spheres. The candidates are thus designated on the basis of the criteria of excellence and academic merit. Members must fulfill the conditions of honorability and respect, show open and creative thinking and have a serious scientific, intellectual sphere of interests.
The number of resident members is set at 30. The status of resident member is granted to Moroccan scientific personalities, who are appointed according to the conditions and procedures provided by law.
The number of associate members is set at 30. The status of associate member is granted to the foreign scientific figures, appointed according to the conditions and terms provided by law.
The status of honorary member of the Academy is granted to scholars- former members of the Academy- either a resident or an associate member-. Honorary membership may also be conferred upon any distinguished personality that has contributed to furthering and promoting the academy’s purposes or works in support thereof.
His Majesty the King, in his capacity as Protector of the Academy, may, in addition to the members of the Academy mentioned above, appoint at his initiative one or more members of the Academy as resident, associate or honorary members, among personalities recognized for their outstanding intellectual work in their field of activity.
the Academician’s status is a permanent one, it is a dignified one, it can only be revoked by death or, in exceptional cases, by a resignation or a dismissal.
in their interaction with each other, all members shall hold themselves to be equals within the Academy, regardless of their other titles or the position they hold or may have held.