Members of the Academy

The academic distinction is permanent. It ends only with the decease of the incumbent, or in very exceptional cases, by resignation or dismissal.
Associate members only, in case of definitive impediment, may resign. In such a case the Academy may vote to accept or reject the resignation. In the event of acceptance, it shall confer the title of Honorary Academician on the resigning member before proceeding with the designation of a new one.

The Academy gives the strictest attention to the election of new members and its decisions are made, above all considerations, solely on the basis of consideration of the spirit in which it was founded and the objectives assigned by its Founder. The Academy’s prestige and renown rest upon the standing and value of its members.

An opening is announced forty days following the decease of an incumbent. In case of an accepted resignation, the vacancy is declared immediately. The same would apply should the Academy proceed with a dismissal.

Candidates for a resident member’s seat must make themselves known, by applying in writing, to the Permanent Secretary within four months of the seat being declared vacant. The academic committee in charge will examine candidacies and draw up a report in light of which the Academy may refuse to consider candidacies which are unsatisfactory in nature.